............................................................................................ a babiččina klubíčka
pondělí 17. října 2011
V těchto slunečných říjnových dnech dosahují ranní teploty mimořádně nízkých hodnot, naše sousedka naměřila až minus sedm stupňů Celsia. Na dolní zahradě a na střeše protějšího domu se drží jinovatka téměř do poledne.
Normally we also would be having frost, but this year night temperatures have been above freezing. I seems so odd to watch the plants that usually get frosted finish blooming and go to seed. Instead of a quick death the garden is in a long slow decline. Your Oleander is gorgeous!
Normally we also would be having frost, but this year night temperatures have been above freezing. I seems so odd to watch the plants that usually get frosted finish blooming and go to seed. Instead of a quick death the garden is in a long slow decline. Your Oleander is gorgeous!